thank you as always. you put words into something i’ve experienced— a kind of loving acceptance of myself in all forms, especially the places within that are difficult to touch. to some ironic degree, being with the void and loving myself within the brokenness does feel like a sense of embodied wholeness.

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“I am the void, and the void is me. The darkness within is full of stars.” - I didn’t know how much I needed to read these words today, thank you thank you thank you.

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This is medicine.

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"I am the void, and the void is me. The darkness within is full of stars"

These words are liberating and a salve to everything I experienced this year. Soul much deep gratitude.

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I wonder if it's more accurate that we can extend the kind of love we've experienced, to the best degree we're able. Then, as we journey, our experiences change and our capacity changes, so how we receive and share love changes. I believe we can all love, wherever we are in life, no matter our circumstances or environment, but the complexity and depth may differ.

I love your work and your writing, thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us ♥

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Mind blowing concept, Kai. Coming from a mother proclaiming love as a daily ritual, it's never occurred to me that experiencing a non-loving environment automatically shrouds the idea of self-love in complicated shades of pain. Your honesty, coupled with brilliant writing, is a gift for us all!

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I am the void, and the void is me. The darkness within is full of stars. Whoosh!

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I really needed this

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The solidarity of experience that I deeply needed 🤍 Thank you for sharing. I feel seen, & I hope you too, feel seen, held & acknowledged & less alone. You summed up quite eloquently my experience of this unquenchable void that I too, have had for as long as I can remember. Sometimes it feels energetically like what I imagine a black hole to be. Unimaginable energy swirling around the event horizon, & then potentially vast expanses of complete nothingness. Takes my breath away. But reading this brought calm to the heavy anxiety I’ve been experiencing lately. I appreciate you 🙏🏼

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So tired of always trying to fix myself, you expressed this beautifully, the older I get, the more I just want to BE. You’re a beautiful writer.

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So beautiful! I cried, I felt uplifted 🙏❤️

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This is so good. This is the wild monster I needed to snap me out of the so-called “normal” that is devouring sanity. Thank you. A thousand times. Thank you. And I pray you understand my riddle like blessing when I say. May you be unwell. May you remain unseen. All blessings. No evil. (((And do look into the work of Sophie Strand. You are two peas in a pod))))))) enjoy the infinite abyss dear one.

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Thank you Kai Cheng. “I am the void, and the void is me. The darkness within is full of stars.” These words are so sweet.

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Enter the Void 🌠

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wow. Immediately buying my ticket to Calgary after this / as if I had any hesitation I wasn’t going to.

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